Segambut MP Hannah Yeoh contributes RM50,000 to upgrade Al-Firdausi Mosque kitchen

KUALA LUMPUR, March 19 — Segambut Member of Parliament Hannah Yeoh contributed RM50,000 to upgrade and equip the Al-Firdausi Mosque kitchen in Segambut, here today.

Hannah who is also the Minister of Youth and Sports said the contribution was to ease the burden of the mosque management in preparing and providing the needs of those who pray at the mosque.

“The Al-Firdausi Mosque had informed that the kitchen lacked several items but they would have to prepare the necessary requirements every night by pooling all their resources,” she told reporters at the Segambut Parliamentary level Nur Ramadan programme at the Al-Firdausi Mosque today.

Apart from the contribution to the mosque, Hannah also presented RM200 each to 300 needy residents in Segambut during the programme.

Meanwhile, the Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL) executive director (Socioeconomic development) Ismadi Sakirin said the contributions were the fruits of a cooperation between the Segambut Parliamentary constituency’s community service centre and DBKL to ease the burden of the people in the constituency.

“On behalf of DBKL we wish to register our appreciation to YB Hannah Yeoh, the Segambut MP for her contributions and cooperation to ensure the success of the Nur Ramadan Programme here. Similar programmes will be held in all 11 Parliamentary constituencies in Kuala Lumpur,” he said.

Ismadi added that so far six programmes had been completed while another five would be completed next week. — Bernama




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